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Upcoming FY24 Grant Deadlines- Due 01/18/2024 in MDE MEGS for Title Amendment

Writer's picture: Scott BrownScott Brown

The MDE's ESEA (Title) Fall Amendment has a few requirements for completion by 1/18/2024 in MEGS.  We encourage schools to work on their part sooner than later as in some cases not having the fall amendment approved can result in delays for receiving Title reimbursements.


Required as part of the fall amendment for all schools with a Title allocation (I, II, III or IV)

  1. Create an amendment:


MN MDE Title
MEGS ESEA Ammendment

If you have already done this step, make sure that the Revision shows Amendment 1 and click “View Grant Application” as below:


MN MDE Title
MEGS ESEA Amendment Application
  1. Click on TAB “Alignment and Goals” (required for all Title Schools):

MN MDE Title Amendment
MN MDE Title Amendment

  1. Input your LEA Smart Goal from WBWF that you will use Title funds (I, II, III and/or IV) to achieve. 

  2. Note that the READ ACT GOAL is already input for you because it is required by state statute after last legislative session.

  3. If you are not going to be addressing a particular WBWF goal using Title funds, leave it blank!

  4. After goals are input they will populate the bottom half of page.

                 i.      Here for each goal, check the box for which Title funds you will use to achieve the goal.  Every goal you entered must have at least 1 box checked (none can be blank-if they are blank after reflection, remove the goal from the top half of the screen)  You may have multiple boxes checked for a particular goal.

  1. Click save.  Look for errors in red font at top of page.  If none, you are all good (at least until the consistency check).

  2. Click on TAB “Required Uploads” (Required for schools with Title I funds only):

MN MDE Title Amendment
MEGS ESEA Amendment Uploads

  1. There are two uploads required, District Family Engagement plan (only if you have Title I funds) and Foster Care Transportation Agreement (only for Title I funds)

  2. Upload and click save, check for red font at top of screen.  If none, you are good (at least until consistency check).



  • Step 2/3 are required for all schools that receive any title allocation and intend to spend this year.

  • Step 4/5 is only required if you are utilizing Title I funds this year.


  1. Click on TAB “Amendment Description (required for all Title schools)

MEGS ESEA Amendment Uploads

  1. Click the box for ESEA Consolidated:

  2. Look for all of the lines with “Fall” identified.

  3. Charters do not have “non public” so you won’t do anything with those, Districts must complete- Fall Affirmations, Carryover and Participation Forms.

  4. You WILL need to check the “alignment and goals (everyone with title funds) and Require Uploads (Title I schools).

MN MDE Title Amendment
MEGS ESEA Amendment Details MDE

A Couple of Items of Note:

  • The First Box may be required on a case by case basis.

  • It MAY be necessary to edit the budget in Title I, II, III and/or IV. This is most likely necessary if MDE carried forward unspent FY23 funds into FY24 and now it is loaded in MEGS for us to budget!

  • It is also possible that we need to adjust budget because the plan has changed (number of staff, new categories of expense, total pay to staff/benefits, etc).  We can change the budget codes to meet the original plan but cannot change the plan itself in the fall….that will come during the spring window.

  • For example: if you intended to pay for a Title I teacher but couldn’t find anyone qualified and are now utilizing a paraprofessional. Probably do not need to adjust the narrative to reflect that in the spring, can try to get the new code approved in the budget now.


Specific Questions about your District or Charter? Reach out to Kyle @



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