In case you missed it, the last MN legislative session authorized almost $27m (approx. a third in each of the next 3 years) in funding for a new after-school, competitive grant opportunity.
The grants will support an increase in the number of young people who have access to culturally affirming, evidence-based afterschool and summer learning, programs that address the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of Minnesota’s young people in kindergarten – 12th grade. This is done through the lens of intentional community and school collaboration and strong cultural grounding. This funding is meant to build on the existing strengths and resources in communities and engage young people and their families in the program planning and implementation.
Instructions are as outlined in the PDF of the grant's instructions below. Please pay particular attention to allowable activities. Everything from academic enrichment, including tutoring and college, career and workforce readiness programs to recreation programs.
If you need assistance, please reach out sooner rather than later. The question and answer period ends in two weeks on February 8th. The grant is due February 22, 2024.
Check out the MDE Grant Page for more info.
-EdFin Team